Automata (or actually: Statecharts)
Automata are a means to model behavior in MontiArc. An automaton consists of states and transitions between these states. When time progresses, or when the component receives an input, the automata may execute a transition, producing some output given current input and state.
An automaton is defined inside the body of a component and consists of states and transitions.
component Comp {
automaton {
// the state and transitions are defined here
An automaton has at least one state and exactly one initial state.
A simple state declaration looks like
initial state S;
is the optional modifier defining the initial state, -
is the unique name of the state (defines the state's name)
An automaton can have any number of transitions between states.
A simple transition looks like
is the name of the source state (reference) -
is the name of the target state (reference) -
(optional) is the guard where theCONDITION
is a boolean expression -
(optional) is the event that triggers the transition. The name of any input port is a valid trigger. If no event trigger is specified, then the transition is triggered by discrete time progress. -
/ { ACTION }
(optional) the actions that are executed when taking the transition whereACTION
is a list of statements.
Entry- and Exit-Actions
A state may define entry and exit actions that are executed when entering respectively exiting the state. A state with both entry and exit actions looks like
state S {
entry / { ACTION1 }
exit / { ACTION2 }
where ACTION1
are each a list of statements.
An initial state may define an initial action that is executed when entering the state for the very first time at the start of a run of the automaton. Therefore, the initial action is executed at most once during a run of an automaton. An initial state with an initializer action looks like
initial { ACTION } state S;
where { ACTION }
is the initial action and ACTION
a list of statements.
Hierarchical States
A state may be hierarchically decomposed into substates. A state can have any number of substates and substates themselves can be hierarchically decomposed.
state HS {
state Sub1 {
state SubSub1;
state SubSub2;
state Sub2;
is the name of the state -
that consists of two substates named
consists of two substates namedSubSub1
Hierarchical states and their substates can be the source and target of transitions just like regular states.
Message Events
A message event occurs when an incoming, non-synchronous port receives a message. The execution of a transition can be triggered by such an event. The type and name of the message event is the type and name of the corresponding port.
Given the port declaration
port in int number;
the transition
S1 -> S2 [CONDITION] number / { ACTION };
is executed when the port number
receives a message (an int
) and if the
automaton is currently in state S1
and if the CONDITION
evaluates to true
The transition's guard can then reason about properties of the received message and use the message in transition action.
S1 -> S2 [number >= 0] number / { int v = number; };
S1 -> S2 [number < 0] number / { int v = -number; };
Time Events
A time event, which we also call a tick, occurs at discrete points in time. It is not specified how much time passes between two ticks, but it can be assumed that any calculation can be computed between two successive ticks.
If a transition does not specify a message event, it is implicitly triggered by
a time event. The transition's trigger can also be modeled explicitly through
the Tick
Given the port declarations
port <<sync>> in int a;
port <<sync>> in int b;
the transitions
S1 -> S2 [CONDITION] / { ACTION };
S1 -> S2 [CONDITION] Tick / { ACTION };
are equivalent and executed at discrete points in time and if the automaton
then is currently in state S1
and if the CONDITION
evaluates to true
Synchronous ports are synchronized at time events. The current message on each synchronous port is available for the time event. A transition triggered by a time event can reason about properties of messages on all incoming, synchronous ports and use the messages in the transition action.
S1 -> S2 [b != 0] / { int v = a / b; };
An automaton can send a message via an outgoing port by assigning it some value. While messages on incoming ports are only available in the context of a specific event, messages can be sent via an outgoing port in any action.
Given the port declarations
port in int number;
port out long result;
and the transition
S1 -> S2 [number != 0] number / { result = 100 / number; };
a message (the result of the expression 100 / number
) is sent via port
every time the transition is executed.
The moment a message is sent via a port it is no longer available to the automaton (don't read from outgoing ports). Multiple messages can be sent via outgoing ports in quick succession.
Given the transition
S1 -> S2 [number != 0] number / {
result = 100 / number;
result = 100 * number;
two message are send via port result
every time the transition is executed.
The messages are send in order, that is, first the result of the expression
100 / number
and then the result of the expression 100 * number
Event Automata
import montiarc.types.Color;
import montiarc.types.ButtonEvent;
component TrafficLight {
port in ButtonEvent reqL;
port in ButtonEvent reqR;
port out Color carLight;
port out Color pedLight;
automaton {
// The light is green for the cars initially
initial {
carLight = Color.GREEN;
pedLight = Color.RED;
} state Green;
state Yellow;
state Red;
// A pedestrian presses the button on either side of the road,
// tell the cars to stop (car light becomes yellow)
Green -> Yellow reqL / {
carLight = Color.Yellow;
Green -> Yellow reqR / {
carLight = Color.Yellow;
// After some time, the car light becomes red and the light for the
// pedestrians becomes green
Yellow -> Red / {
carLight = Color.RED;
pedLight = Color.Green;
// After some time, the cars are allowed to drive again. The car light
// becomes green, the pedestrian light becomes red
Red -> Green / {
carLight = Color.Green;
pedLight = Color.Red;
Time-Synchronous Automata
Synchronous automata operate on synchronous inputs. Where message events only remain on the port for the duration of the event, messages on synchronous ports are simulations available at time progress.
component Divide {
port <<sync>> in int a, b,
<<sync>> out int r;
port <<sync>> out boolean of;
int r_pre = 0;
automaton {
initial state S;
S -> S [b != 0] / {
// store the result
r_pre = a / b;
// send the result on port r
r = r_pre;
// no error, send ok
of = true;
S -> S [b == 0] / {
// send the previous result
r = r_pre;
// send error
of = false;