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(De-) Composition

Components can be decomposed to structure a system, separate concerns, and reduce complexity by distributing system functionality across multiple smaller components.

In MontiArc, component types define the decomposition of components in terms of subcomponents and connectors between the components' interfaces.

Subcomponent Declaration

Subcomponents are declared in the body of a component type, specifying the subcomponents' types and stating their names. A simple subcomponent declaration looks like



  • TYPE is the subcomponent's (qualified) type (reference)

  • SUB is the subcomponent's unique name (defining)

Subcomponents are directly instantiated alongside there declaration.

A component can have multiple subcomponents of different types but also multiple subcomponents of the same type. For convenience, multiple subcomponents of the same type can be instantiated by stating their names in a comma-separated list after the component's type, which looks like


and is a shorthand notation for



The instantiation of a component may require arguments, which configure the component's initial state. The component's type declaration defines the number, order, and type of arguments required.

Arguments must be provided during component instantiation and are listed after the subcomponents' name in round brackets (( )). A subcomponent declaration with arguments looks like


where ARGS is a comma-separated list of arguments of the form ARG1, ARG2, ...., ARGn where ARG1, ARG2, and so forth until ARGn are the first, second, and so forth until n-th argument. All arguments are defined using expressions.

Type Arguments

Generic components require type arguments that replace the generic's type parameters with the actual types. The component's type declaration defines the number of type arguments needed, their order, and potential typing restrictions. The signature of a generic component depends in part on the provided type arguments; that is, type arguments may define the actual typing of ports and parameters.

Type arguments must be provided with the subcomponent declaration alongside the component type in angle brackets (< >).


where TARGS is a comma-separated list of arguments of the form TARG1, TARG2, ...., TARGn where TARG1, TARG2, and so forth until TARGn are the first, second, and so forth until n-th type argument.

For example,

Delay<Integer> delay;

declares and instantiates a subcomponent delay of type Delay with type argument Integer.

Note that only data types may be used as type arguments. Component types cannot be used as type arguments.


Connectors connect the interfaces (ports) of components, defining the flow of messages and determining which components communicate whit each other. Connectors are defined in the body of the component type. A connector looks like



  • SOURCE is the (qualified) name of the source port (reference)

  • TARGET is the (qualified) name of the target port (reference)

The source of a connector can be

  • an incoming port of the component

  • an outgoing port of a subcomponent

The target of a connector can be

  • an outgoing port of the component

  • an incoming port of a subcomponent

A port can only be targeted by a single connector but can be the source of multiple connectors. For convenience, a connector can define multiple targets. The targets are given as a comma-separated list, which looks like


which is a shorthand notation for


We distinguish three kinds of connectors:

  • A connector from an incoming port of the component to an incoming port of a subcomponent, forwarding messages received by the component to one of its subcomponents. E.g., i -> sub.j; forwards message received by port i to port j of subcomponent sub.

  • A connector from an outgoing port of a subcomponent to an outgoing port of the component, forwarding messages send by the subcomponent. E.g., sub.o -> p; forwards messages send by subcomponent sub on port o via port p.

  • A connector from an outgoing port of a subcomponent to an incoming port of a subcomponent (potentially the same subcomponent), sometime called a hidden connector. E.g., sub1.o -> sub2.i; connects port o of subcomponent sub1 to port i of subcomponent sub2.


If subcomponents form a communication circle along the direction of connectors, then a subcomponent may communicate with itself, either directly or indirectly across other subcomponents. We call this a feedback loop.

In a direct feedback loop the output of a component is directly connected to the input of the component. The component communicates directly with itself.

sub.o -> sub.i; 

In an indirect feedback loop the output of a component is connected to the input of the component indirectly across one to multiple subcomponents. The component communicates indirectly with itself.

sub1.o -> sub2.i;
sub2.o -> sub3.i;
sub3.o -> sub1.i;

Communication is abstracted to be instantaneous. However, for the propagation of timing events in feedback loops we need delay. Otherwise, the components output at some point in time would depend on itself.

Where the delay happens in the communication circle is irrelevant, just there needs to be some kind of delay.

Delay can be introduced through the stereotype <<delayed>> on the output port of an atomic component, specifying outputs on that port are delayed by one Tick. For simplicity, we can also introduce a specific delay:

component Delay<T> {
  port in T i;
  port <<delayed>> out T o;

  automaton {
    initial state S;
    S -> S Tick / { o = i; };

this delay can then be added anywhere in the communication circle.

sub1.o -> sub2.i;
sub2.o -> delay.i; 
delay.o -> sub3.i;
sub3.o -> sub1.i;