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Collections are a means to collect multiple values into one value. This is especially useful, if their quantity changes over time or is very large.

As an initial example, in the following, the two numbers 1 and 2 are both inserted into the list of numbers numList.

List<Integer> numList = [1, 2];

This numList can then be used in further calculations.

Collection Types

MontiArc supports the four major collection types * Set: an unordered collection of 0 to n values * List: an ordered collection of 0 to n values * Optional: a collection of 0 to 1 values * Map: an unordered collection offering qualified access to its elements, using so-called keys.

They are explained in further detail below.

Type Arguments

Collection types require type arguments; These arguments state, which type of element the collection can hold. E.g., a list of type List<Person> can only hold instances of the type Person, while a list of type List<Car> may only hold instances of Car. Person and Car are the type arguments of the aforementioned lists, they are always written within angle brackets after the name of the Collection type.

Map is a special case in that not only the type of the included elements has to be specified, the type of the key has to be provided as well; Map<Car, Person> is a qualified collection of Person, with the key having the type Car, separated by a comma. This example could be the mapping of owners to their cars.

Primitives cannot be used as type parameter of a collection type. Instead, the "boxed" version of the primitive has to be used. E.g., List<Integer> represents a list of int.

Primitive Boxed
boolean Boolean
byte Byte
short Short
char Character
int Integer
float Float
double Double


An ordered collection of arbitrary size.

Using Lists requires the import

import java.util.List;

A new List can be created with [], one may add initial values separated by a comma.

List<Integer> l1 = []; // empty list
List<Integer> l2 = [1, 2]; // list containing 1 and 2

Alternatively, one may import a List-implementation from Java, e.g.,

import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;

component Dummy {
  List<Integer> = LinkedList.LinkedList();

Lists offer methods to modify and query information on the contained elements, e.g.,

List<Integer> l = [1]; // l is [1]
l.add(1); // adds 2 at the end, l is [1,1]
l.add(1,7); // adds 7 at the index 1, l is [1,7,1]
l.remove(0); // removes the element at index 0, l is [7,1]
int e = l.get(1); // gets the element at index 1, e is 1
int s = l.size(); // returns the amount of elements, s is 2
boolean b = l.isEmpty(); // returns whether the list is empty, b is false
boolean c = l.contains(7); // returns wether the list contains 7, c is true


An unordered collection of arbitrary size, each element is contained at most once.

Using Sets requires the import

import java.util.Set;

A new Set can be created with {}, one may add initial values separated by a comma.

Set<Integer> s1 = {}; // empty set
Set<Integer> s2 = {1, 2}; // set containing 1 and 2

Alternatively, one may import a Set-implementation from Java, e.g.,

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;

component Dummy {
  Set<Integer> = HashSet.HashSet();

Sets offer methods to modify and query information on the contained elements, e.g.,

Set<Integer> s = {1}; // s is {1}
s.add(1); // adds 1, but 1 is already in s, s is {1}
s.add(2); // adds 2, s is {1, 2}
s.remove(1); // removes the element 1, s is {2}
int r = s.size(); // returns the amount of elements, r is 1
boolean b = s.isEmpty(); // returns whether the set is empty, b is false
boolean c = s.contains(7); // returns wether the set contains 7, c is false

To iterate over the elements of a set, a for-loop can be used.

Set<Integer> s = {1,2,3};
int sum = 0;
for(int i : s) {
  sum = sum + i;
// here, sum is 6


A collection of size 0 to 1. It can be used to represent a value that may be absent.

Using Optionals requires the import

import java.util.Optional;

New Optionals are created using the respective methods:

Optional<String> opt1 = Optional.empty(); // empty Optional
Optional<String> opt2 = Optional.of("A Value"); // Optional containing a value

Optionals offer methods to query information on the contained elements, e.g.,

Optional<String> o = Optional.of("a"); o contains "a"
boolean p = o.isPresent(); // returns wether an element is contained, p is true
boolean e = o.isEmpty(); // returns the optional is empty, e is false
String v = o.get(); // returns the contained element. v is "a", o must not be empty!


This type represents a mapping from keys to values.

Using Maps requires the import

import java.util.Map;

A new Map can be created by importing a Map-Implementation from Java, e.g.,

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;

component Dummy {
 Map<String, Integer> m = HashMap.HashMap();

Maps offer methods to modify and query information on the contained elements, e.g.,

Map<String, Integer> m = HashMap.HashMap();
m.put("Sean", 3); // adds a mapping, m is {"Sean":3}
boolean c = m.containsKey("Blair"); // whether the key "Blair" is contained, c is false
boolean d = m.containsValue(3); // whether the value 3 is contained, d is true
int v = m.get("Sean"); // returns the value corresponding to the key "Sean", v is 3, the key must exist!