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Getting Started

This page aims to help you to compile your first MontiArc models. MontiArc projects can be developed with the Gradle build tool. On the other hand, there is also a CLI tool that you can use to process MontiArc models.

Using Gradle

Using Gradle to process MontiArc models brings some advantages, such as: * Easier configuration of model processing * Dependency management that allows you to publish models and to depend on other MontiArc libraries * Automatic compilation of MontiArc's generated code (if the java plugin is also applied)


  • Gradle 7.5 is required to execute the MontiArc build process.
  • Java 11 is the version of the code produced by the MontiArc generator.
  • (MontiArc 7.5.0 mistakenly requires Java 17 when using the Gradle plugin. Use a higher MontiArc version if you want to use Java 11.)

MontiArc project structure

When using Gradle to build MontiArc applications, the default project structure looks like the following:

├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── java        // Present if you also apply the java plugin
│   │   ├── montiarc
│   │   │   └── com
│   │   │       └── example
│   │   │           ├── ComponentA.arc
│   │   │           └── ComponentB.arc
│   │   └── resources   // If you also apply the java plugin
│   │
│   └── test
│       ├── java        // If you also apply the java plugin
│       ├── montiarc
│       └── resources   // If you also apply the java plugin
├── build
│   ├── ...
│   └── montiarc
│       ├── main
│       │   ├── java     // Generated code remains here
│       │   └── symbols  // Here, .symarc files are placed.
│       │                // These are variants of your models that are meant for distribution
│       └── test
│           ├── java
│           └── symbols
├── build.gradle
└── settings.gradle
For every source set (e.g. main or test if you apply the java plugin) your MontiArc models can be placed under the path src/SOURCE_SET_NAME/montiarc, e.g. src/main/montiarc. Similar to Java, MontiArc models are organized in package structures that are also reflected by the directory structure in which they are saved. E.g. if a model is in the package com.example, then its file should be under the path montiarc/com/example. You can also change the location in which models are found.

Project setup

To enable the usage of the MontiArc plugin, we have to add the repository in which it lays to the settings file of gradle:

{{< tabs "gradle-settings-file" >}} {{< tab "Kotlin" >}}

// If your settings file is settings.gradle.kts (namely, it uses kotlin syntax)

// The generator is in the Maven repo of the chair of Software Engineering at RWTH Aachen.
// Therefore we have to make it available to our build process.
pluginManagement {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url = uri("")
{{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Groovy" >}}
// If your settings file is settings.gradle (namely, it uses groovy syntax)

// The generator is in the Maven repo of the chair of Software Engineering at RWTH Aachen.
// Therefore we have to make it available to our build process.
pluginManagement {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url = uri("")
{{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}

We can then apply the plugin by adding the following to Gradle's Build file: {{< tabs "gradle-build-file" >}} {{< tab "Kotlin" >}}

// Use this code if your build file is build.gradle.kts (namely, it uses kotlin syntax)
plugins {
  id("java")  // Optional, but recommended for this tutorial
  id("montiarc") version "VERSION_YOU_WANT_TO_USE"

// Required RTE classes are in the Maven repo of the chair of Software Engineering at RWTH Aachen.
// Therefore we have to add this repo to our build.
repositories {
  maven {
    url = uri("")
{{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Groovy" >}}
// Use this code if your build file is build.gradle (namely, it uses groovy syntax)
plugins {
  id "java"  // Optional, but recommended for this tutorial
  id "montiarc" version "VERSION_YOU_WANT_TO_USE"

// Required RTE classes are in the Maven repo of the chair of Software Engineering at RWTH Aachen.
// Therefore we have to add this repo to our build.
repositories {
  maven {
    url = uri("")
{{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}

You can now place your models in the src/main/montiarc folder of your project.

Executing the generation process

Gradle can be run as a standalone tool from the command line, or from IDEs by using plugins: * IntelliJ IDEA comes with the Gradle and Gradle Extension plugins shipped by default * Eclipse gains Gradle support using the Gradle Buildship Plugin * VS Code gains Gradle support using the Gradle for Java Extension

compileMontiarc is the Gradle task that executes the MontiArc generation process. Executing the build task will also trigger the generation. It will additionally compile the generated Java code if the java plugin is also applied.

Try creating a simple MontiArc model at the location of src/main/montiarc/com/example/MyComp.arc:

package com.example;

component MyComp { }

Now execute the compileMontiarc task with Gradle. Check that, as a result, the java class MyComp should be generated to build/montiarc/main/java/com/example/

If you also want that the build task compiles the generated code, then also apply the java plugin in your build script (if you have not done this yet): {{< tabs "gradle-apply-java" >}} {{< tab "Kotlin" >}}

// If your build file is build.gradle.kts (namely, it uses kotlin syntax)
plugins {
  id("montiarc") version "VERSION_YOU_WANT_TO_USE"
{{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Groovy" >}}
// If your build file is build.gradle (namely, it uses groovy syntax)
plugins {
  id "java"
  id "montiarc" version "VERSION_YOU_WANT_TO_USE"
{{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}

Adding class diagrams to your project

You can declare class diagram models to be used by MontiArc by applying the cd2pojo plugin. In order to do this, add the cd2pojo plugin to the plugins block within the build script:

{{< tabs "gradle-apply-cd2pojo" >}} {{< tab "Kotlin" >}}

// If your build file is build.gradle.kts (namely, it uses kotlin syntax)
plugins {
  id("montiarc") version "VERSION_YOU_WANT_TO_USE"
  id("cd2pojo") version "VERSION_YOU_WANT_TO_USE"
{{< /tab >}} {{< tab "Groovy" >}}
// If your build file is build.gradle (namely, it uses groovy syntax)
plugins {
  id "java"
  id "montiarc" version "VERSION_YOU_WANT_TO_USE"
  id "cd2pojo" version "VERSION_YOU_WANT_TO_USE"
{{< /tab >}} {{< /tabs >}}

The project structure of projects with class diagrams is similar to projects with MontiArc (but can also be customized):

├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   ├── cd2pojo
│   │   │   └── ...     // Put your class diagram models here
│   │   ├── java        // Present if you also apply the java plugin
│   │   ├── montiarc    // If you also apply the montiarc plugin
│   │   └── resources   // If you also apply the java plugin
│   │
│   └── test
│       └── ...
├── build
│   ├── ...
│   └── cd2pojo
│       ├── main
│       │   ├── java
│       │   └── symbols
│       └── test
│           └── ...
├── build.gradle
└── settings.gradle

Try creating a simple class diagram model at the location of src/main/cd2pojo/com/example/

package com.example;

classdiagram MyTypes {
  public enum Status {

Now use the enum type in your MontiArc model MyComp:

package com.example;

import com.example.MyTypes.Status;

component MyComp(Status initialStatus) { }

Execute the compileMontiarc task with Gradle. Check that no error occurs. Moreover, verify that the java class Status has been generated to build/cd2pojo/main/java/com/example/MyTypes/ Note: If an error occurs, try running Gradle's clean task before.

Using java types

You can use JDK classes from MontiArc models by setting the useClass2mc option of the generation task in Gradle's build script:

// The syntax is the same for Kotlin and Groovy build scripts
task.compileMontiarc {

Now use String in your MontiArc model MyComp:

package com.example;

// Types from java.lang are automatically imported.
// For types from other packages, import them
// E.g.: 
// import com.example.MyJavaType;

component MyComp(String prefix) {}

Execute the compileMontiarc task with Gradle. Check that no error occurs.

Java types can be used similarly from within class diagram models. To this end, the useClass2Mc option has to be set for the compileCd2pojo task that under the hood processes the class diagram models:

// Add the following to your build file:
task.compileCd2pojo {

Note that, if you use java types from class diagrams, than you also have to set the useClass2Mc option for your MontiArc models. Else, you will encounter errors.

Further references

Applying the MontiArc Gradle plugin provides further benefits, like publishing your MontiArc models and depending on the models of other people. It also enables fine configuration options. You can find comprehensive information about the MontiArc plugin under [MontiArc Gradle Plugin] and about the cd2pojo plugin under [Cd2pojo Gradle Plugin].

Using the command line

Execute the CLI generation process

The main command line options are: | Option | Explanation | |------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | -i, --input <dirlist> | Declare the directory in which your MontiArc models are. | | -o, --output <dir> | Sets the target path for the generated files (optional). |

To exemplify the usage, lets consider the following example: Having a project demo, create a MontiArc model in demo/src/montiarc/com/example/MyComp.arc:

package com.example;

component MyComp { }

Now execute the CLI tool:

# Being in the 'demo' directory
java -jar TODONAME --input src/montiarc --output build/montiarc/java
Check that this generates the java class MyComp at demo/build/montiarc/java/com/example/

Using class diagrams in MontiArc

To use class diagrams, we first have to export them, as MontiArc has no processing infrastructure for .cd files. Therefore, we must export them to symbolic .cdsym files first. To this end, a generator cd2pojo is provided here, having similar requirements as the ma2java generator. Its main command line options are: | Option | Explanation | |------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | -i, --input <dirlist> | Declare the directory in which your class diagram models are. | | -c, --checkcocos | Verifies the correctness of class diagram models (optional, but recommended). | | -o, --output <dir> | Sets the target path for the generated java files (optional). | | -s, --symboltable <dir> | Sets the target path to which symbolic files are exported (optional). | As we can see, we can use the --symboltable option to export the .cdsym files that MontiArc can read. E.g. create a class diagram model at demo/src/cd2pojo/com/example/

package com.example;

classdiagram MyTypes {
  public enum Status {

Now execute the generator:

# Being in the 'demo' directory
java -jar TODO --checkcocos --input src/cd2pojo --symboltable build/cd2pojo/symbols --output build/cd2pojo/java
Now check that this created the symbol file demo/build/cd2pojo/symbols/com/example/MyTypes/Status.cdsym. We also generated a java implementation of the class diagram at demo/build/cd2pojo/java/com/example/MyTypes/ If you do not want to use the generated java implementations, you may omit the --output option.

We can now use the class diagram in MontiArc. To this end, modify MyComp:

package com.example;

import com.example.MyTypes.Status;

component MyComp(Status initialStatus) { }

We can now use the -path option of the MontiArc generator to specify directories in which symbol files lay. The symbol files are also allowed to be wrapped in jar files. Try to execute the generator:

# Being in the 'demo' directory
java -jar TODONAME --input src/montiarc -path build/cd2pojo/symbols --output build/montiarc/java
Verify that no error occurs.

Using java types

We can use java types form MontiArc models by setting the -c2mc / --class2mc command line option of the MontiArc generator. This will make all java types of the generators class-path available to MontiArc models. Moreover, one can put jars with the types to be used on the -path command line option. JDK types are available by default.

Let's modify MyComp:

package com.example;

import java.lang.String;  // TODO: test whether String is automatically imported

component MyComp(String initialStatus) { }

Now execute the generator and verify that no error occurs:

# Being in the 'demo' directory
java -jar TODONAME --input src/montiarc --class2mc --output build/montiarc/java

Note that the class diagram generator also has an -c2mc / class2mc option to enable the use of java types in class diagram models.