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Third MontiCore Symposium 23. March - 26. March 2025

MontiCore is a language workbench designed for the efficient development of domain-specific languages (DSLs) along with their corresponding tooling. It provides a robust infrastructure to define, manipulate, and process languages, supporting features such as model-to-model transformations and code generation, enhancing productivity in software development projects.

The goals of the MontiCore symposium are primarily to bring together researchers, developers, and users of the MontiCore language workbench to discuss advancements, share experiences, and explore new ideas in the domain of domain-specific languages (DSLs).

It aims to foster collaboration and exchange on topics such as language design, model-driven software development, tool integration, and practical applications of MontiCore in various fields, including SysML v2 and UML. This symposium provides a platform for presenting innovative research, networking, and discussing challenges and solutions in the context of DSLs and model-based development.


The MontiCore symposium will be located in Gemünd, Germany.


Participation is based on acceptance of an abstract or a full paper and requires registration until 07th of March.

Registration costs are 660€ and include accommodation, conference fees, and meals during the symposium.
~~You can register via this link~~ Registration is closed.


Submissions must adhere to the ACM formatting instructions, which can be found here. We ask for two types of contributions:

[1] Research papers: 8 pages, [2] Vision abstracts: 1 page.

Submissions must be uploaded through EasyChair via this link.

It is planned to produce post-proceedings with extended and improved versions of the papers as result of the symposium.

Important Dates (deadlines extended)

  • 10.01.2025: Paper Submission Deadline
  • 28.02.2025: Acceptance Notification
  • 07.03.2025: Registration Deadline
  • 23.03.2025-26.03.2025: MontiCore Symposium

Call for Papers

We solicit talk proposals concerning the application, development, and innovation of language engineering or model-driven development around the language workbench MontiCore. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Novel meta-languages for language construction and composition

  • Holistic approaches to language engineering in MontiCore that cross-cut multiple language aspects (e.g., abstract and concrete syntax, semantics, transformations) and/or integrate with program analysis, validation, testing, or other advanced techniques.

  • Industrial case studies: experience reports, large-scale evaluations, best practices, and human factors to adoption.

  • Model-Based DevOps
  • Domain-specific solutions in application domains, such as Automotive, CPS, IOT, Production, Quantum Computing, Avionics, HealthCare, Energy, Robotics.

  • MontiCore for Research Software Engineering

  • Low-Code / No-Code approaches based on MontiCore

  • Languages for describing and deriving digital twins
  • Languages for non-engineering issues, such as science, legal, social, or environmental sustainability issues
  • DSLs engineered on the basis of GPMLs, like SysML and UML

  • AI-based methods for language engineering and modeling within the MontiCore ecosystem

  • MontiCore languages in action: Academic and industrial application of MontiCore and its languages

  • SysML v2 parser advancements
  • UMLP tooling
  • MontiArc architecture tools
  • MontiGem webapp development

Presenters are encouraged to accompany their presentations with a demo or reproduction package that helps the participants to (easily) run and comprehend the presented tools, experiment with them, or tweak benchmark experiments. This helps to create a lasting contribution.

Organization & Program Committee

- Andreas Wortman, Institut für Steuerungstechnik der Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungseinrichtungen - Universität Stuttgart
- Jérôme Pfeiffer, Institut für Steuerungstechnik der Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungseinrichtungen - Universität Stuttgart

Program Committee:
- Vincent Bertram, Software Engineering - RWTH Aachen
- Nico Jansen, Software Engineering - RWTH Aachen
- Jérôme Pfeiffer, Institut für Steuerungstechnik der Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungseinrichtungen - Universität Stuttgart
- Andreas Wortman, Institut für Steuerungstechnik der Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungseinrichtungen - Universität Stuttgart

All proposals will undergo light reviewing by the program committee.

In case you have any further questions, please contact:

This instance of the MontiCore Symposium is organized by ISW Stuttgart