Getting Started with MontiCore
This page describes the technical installation and usage of MontiCore for language developers. This page further inspects a simple example grammar and the Java classes and other artifacts generated from this grammar. After installing MontiCore as described on this page, it can be used to develop new modeling languages and generators as described in subsequent chapters.
MontiCore provides a command line interface (CLI) tool and can easily be used with Gradle. The Gradle integration enables developers to easily employ MontiCore in commonly used integrated development environments (IDEs), such as Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA. This page contains information about an example MontiCore project and the files generated by MontiCore. It also shortly explains some key features of MontiCore.
Detailed information about all configuration options that can be used in
the MontiCore CLI tool and in MontiCore Gradle projects are explained in
Chapter 16 of the handbook. More
information about the example Automata
language are available in
Chapter 21 of the handbook.
Prerequisites: Installing the Java Development Kit
We start with the JDK: Please perform the following steps to install the Java Development Kit (JDK) and validate that the installation was successful:
- Install a JDK with at least version 11 provided by Oracle or OpenJDK.
- Make sure the environment variable
points to the installed JDK, and not to the JRE, e.g., the following would be good:/user/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk
on UNIX orC:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11.*
on Windows. You will need this in order to run the Java compiler for compiling the generated Java source files.
- Also make sure that the system variable is set such that the Java
compiler can be used from any directory. JDK installations on UNIX
systems do this automatically. On Windows systems, the
directory of the JDK installation needs to be appended to thePATH
variable, e.g.%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%
. - Test whether the setup was successful. Open a command line shell in
any directory. Execute the command
javac -version
. If this command is recognized and the shell displays the version of the installed JDK (e.g.,javac 11.0.5
), then the setup was successful. - (Optional) Install Gradle version 7.6.
Now we have the prerequisites to run MontiCore from the command line (CLI) or alternatively using Gradle.
Use the MontiCore Command Line Interface
This section describes instructions to perform the following first steps to use MontiCore, either as a CLI tool or with Gradle:
- Installation of the MontiCore distribution file.
- Grammar inspection
- Running the MontiCore generator
- Compiling the product
- Running the product, i.e. the
tool with an example modelexample/PingPong.aut
For installing MontiCore for either CLI or Gradle usage, select the suitable tab below, and perform the following steps:
- Download the example
MontiCore project:// MontiCore zip distribution source
- Unzip the archive. The unzipped files include a directory called
containing the executable MontiCore toolmonticore.jar
along with a directorysrc
containing handwrittenAutomata
DSL infrastructure, a directoryhwc
containing handwritten code that is incorporated into the generated code, and a directoryexample
containing an example model of theAutomata
DSL.// MontiCore zip distribution content in directory mc-workspace Automata.mc4 monticore.jar monticore-rt.jar src/automata/ src/automata/visitors/ src/automata/prettyprint/ src/automata/cocos/ src/automata/cocos/ src/automata/cocos/ hwc/automata/_ast/ hwc/automata/_symboltable/ hwc/automata/_symboltable/ hwc/automata/_symboltable/ hwc/automata/_symboltable/ example/PingPong.aut
- Download the example
MontiCore project for Gradle:// MontiCore-Automaton zip distribution source
- Unzip the archive. The unzipped files include a directory called
containing the Gradle build script along with the directoriessrc/main/grammars
containing theAutomata.mc4
containing both handwrittenAutomata
DSL infrastructure and handwritten code that is incorporated into the generated code, andsrc/test/resources
containing an example model of theAutomata
DSL.// Automaton zip distribution content build.gradle settings.gradle src/main/grammars/Automata.mc4 src/main/java/automata/ src/main/java/automata/visitors/ src/main/java/automata/cocos/ src/main/java/automata/cocos/ src/main/java/automata/cocos/ src/main/java/automata/_ast/ src/main/java/automata/_symboltable/ src/main/java/automata/_symboltable/ src/main/java/automata/_symboltable/ src/test/resources/automata/parser/PingPong.aut
Note: When mentioned, this document will specify file locations based
on the CLI project setup.
The CLI directories src
and hwc
are both represented by the same
directory using Gradle.
The CLI and Gradle setups both work on the same project, albeit with a different directory structure.
Inspect the Example Grammar
MontiCore is a language workbench. It supports developers in developing modular modelling languages. The core of MontiCore is its grammar modelling language (cf. Chapter 4 of the MontiCore handbook), which is used by developers for modelling context-free grammars. A MontiCore grammar defines (parts of) the abstract and concrete syntax of a language. Each grammar contains nonterminals, production rules, and may extend other grammars. At most one rule is marked as the start rule.
It is a key feature of MontiCore that it allows a grammar to reuse and extend other grammars. In an extension all the nonterminals defined in the extended grammars can be reused or even overridden. This form of extension allows to achieve several effects:
- Language (i.e. grammar) components can be reused and integrated in larger languages, composed of several components.
- Individual nonterminals can be reused (like classes) from a library.
- A given language can be extended, allowing to add additional alternatives inside a language.
Component grammars and grammar extensions are detailedly discussed in Chapter 4 of the MontiCore handbook.
grammar Automata extends de.monticore.MCBasics {
symbol scope Automaton =
"automaton" Name "{" (State | Transition)* "}" ;
symbol State =
"state" Name
(("<<" ["initial"] ">>" ) | ("<<" ["final"] ">>" ))*
( ("{" (State | Transition)* "}") | ";") ;
Transition =
from:Name "-" input:Name ">" to:Name ";" ;
grammar.In the following, we inspect the MontiCore grammar of the Automata
language. Navigate your file explorer to the unzipped mc-workspace
directory. The directory contains the file Automata.mc4
. This file
contains the MontiCore grammar depicted in Listing 2.3. MontiCore grammars end with
The definition of a MontiCore grammar starts with the keyword grammar
followed by the grammar's name. In this example, the grammar is
called Automata
. The grammar's name is optionally followed by the
keyword extends
and a list of grammars that are extended by the
grammar. In this example, the Automata
grammar extends the grammar

The MontiCore language workbench allows to compose language components by composing grammars and also to reuse all infrastructure, such as context conditions, symbol table infrastructure, generator parts and handwritten extensions.
In the example the Automata
grammar extends the grammar
and thus reuses its functionality.
MontiCore comes with an extensive library of predefined language components.
Grammars can also have a package and import other grammars. If a grammar
has a package, then the package declaration must be the first statement
in the grammar and is of the form package
QualifiedName where
is a keyword and QualifiedName is an arbitrary qualified
name (e.g. de.monticore
). The optional grammar imports follow the
package definition. Every import is of the form import
QualifiedName. The Automata
example grammar file does neither
contain a package declaration nor imports. The grammar extended by the
grammar is specified by its fully qualified name.
As usual in context-free grammars, production rules have a left-hand
side and a right-hand side. The left-hand side contains the possibly
annotated name of a nonterminal. The left-hand side is followed by the
terminal =
and the right-hand side. Nonterminal names start with an
upper-case letter. For instance, the Automata
grammar contains the
nonterminals Automaton
, State
, and Transition
. A single
nonterminal can be provided with the start
keyword. Then, the
nonterminal is the starting symbol of the grammar. If no nonterminal is
marked with start
, then the first nonterminal of the grammar
becomes the starting symbol by default. In the Automata
grammar, the
nonterminal is the starting symbol.
The other possible keywords for nonterminals influence the generated
classes for the abstract syntax tree as well as the generated symbol
table infrastructure. Details can be found in
Chapter 4 and Chapter 9 of the MontiCore handbook.
For example, the
nonterminal is marked with symbol
and scope
. The
keyword symbol
makes the MontiCore generator generate a symbol
class for the nonterminal. Intuitively stated, the keyword scope
instructs the MontiCore generator to construct a symbol table
infrastructure that
opens a scope when the production is processed. The following sections
explain the effects of specifying the Automaton
nonterminal with the
keywords symbol
and scope
in more detail. Terminals are surrounded
by quotation marks. The Automata
grammar, for example, inter alia
contains the terminals automaton
, state
, {
, }
, and ;
The right-hand sides of grammar productions consist of nonterminals,
terminals, and semantic predicates, may use cardinalities (*
, +
), and introduce alternatives via the terminal |
as known from
regular expressions. Details can be found in
Chapter 4 of the MontiCore handbook.
The right-hand side of
the production defining the nonterminal Automaton
, for example, uses
the terminal automaton
and the nonterminals Name
, State
, and
. The nonterminal Name
is not defined in the grammar
. Thus, it must be defined in one of the extended grammars. In
this case, Name
is defined in the grammar MCBasics
and is reused by
the grammar Automata
. For distinguishing different usages of
nonterminals on right-hand sides, they can be named. For example, the
right-hand side of the production defining the nonterminal Transition
uses the Name
nonterminal twice. The first usage is named input
the second usage is named to
. MontiCore also supports interface
nonterminals for introducing extension points as detailedly
described in Chapter 4 of the MontiCore handbook.
However, the example grammar does not use these concepts.
automaton PingPong {
state NoGame <<initial>>;
state Ping;
state Pong <<final>>;
NoGame - startGame > Ping;
Ping - stopGame > NoGame;
Pong - stopGame > NoGame;
Ping - returnBall > Pong;
Pong - returnBall > Ping;
Listing 2.5 depicts an example model conforming to the Automata
grammar in its
concrete syntax.
It depicts a simple game of Ping Pong. The automaton consists of three states:
the initial state NoGame
, such as the states Ping
and Pong
, for
identifying on which side the ball is located.
Initially, the automaton starts in the state NoGame
The game starts at the corresponding event.
During a run, the automaton switches states by returning the ball from one
side to the other.
Additionally, it can be stopped at each stage of the game, resulting in the
initial configuration.
You can find the model in the file PingPong.aut
contained in the example
directory of the unzipped mc-workspace
Run MontiCore
The MontiCore generator takes a MontiCore grammar as input and generates
an infrastructure for processing models conforming to the grammar. When
a grammar E
extends another grammar G
, then all the
infrastructure generated for the grammar G
is reused and only the
extending part from E
is generated.

- a parser for parsing models conforming to the grammar and transforming textual models into abstract syntax tree instances abstracting from the concrete syntax.
- a symbol table infrastructure to handle the symbols introduced or used by models conforming to the grammar. The symbol table infrastructure is used for resolving dependencies between model elements that are possibly defined in different files.
- a context-condition checking framework for checking well-formedness rules that cannot be captured by context-free languages.
- a visitor infrastructure for traversing models respectively their abstract syntax instances. The abstract syntax of a model consists of its internal representation as an abstract syntax tree abstracting from the concrete syntax of the model (the instance of the data structure obtained from parsing) and the symbol table of the model.
- a mill infrastructure for retrieving objects for language processing, such as parsers, builders for abstract syntax trees, visitors and objects for the symbol tables of the language. A mill serves as a dynamic factory, adapting to the current modeling language. The possibility to configure the mills is crucial for reusing the functionality implemented for a sublanguage (cf. Section 5.9, Section 5.10.2, and Section 11.5 for details).
- a code generating framework that extends the FreeMarker template engine by various modularity enhancing features.
For executing MontiCore using the Automata
grammar as input, perform
the following steps:
- Open a command line shell and change the working directory to the
unzipped directory (
). - Execute the following command in order to generate the language
infrastructure of the
DSL:The only required argumentjava -jar monticore.jar -g Automata.mc4 -hcp hwc/ src/ -mp monticore-rt.jar
denotes the input grammar that shall be processed by MontiCore. The processing includes the generation of the language infrastructure. Using the option-hcp
enables specifying the path to a directory containing the handwritten code that is to be incorporated into the generated infrastructure. In this case, passing the argumenthwc/
to the option-hcp
makes MontiCore consider the handwritten code located in the directoryhwc/
. Providing handwritten code enables to easily incorporate additional functionality into the generated code. For example, this enables developers to extend generated abstract syntax classes as detailedly described in (cf. Section 5.10 of the MontiCore handbook). Passing the argument-mp
enables specifying the paths to directories or archives containing paths to grammars and Java classes that are imported by the processed grammar and the related tooling. In this case, the archivemonticore-rt.jar
contains the grammars and handwritten extensions of the monticore standard library. More information about the standard library can be found in Chapters 17- 20 of the handbook.
- Open a command line shell and change the working directory to the unzipped directory.
- Execute the following command in order to generate the language
infrastructure of the
DSL:By default, the MontiCore Gradle plugin shall process all input grammars ingradle generateMCGrammars
. The processing includes the generation of the language infrastructure. Handwritten code insrc/main/grammar
is going to be incorporated into the generated infrastructure. Providing handwritten code enables to easily incorporate additional functionality into the generated code. For example, this enables developers to extend generated abstract syntax classes as detailedly described in (cf. Section 5.10 of the MontiCore handbook).
The MontiCore standard library,
containing grammars and Java classes, is imported via the de.monticore:monticore-grammar
More information about the standard library can be found in
Chapters 17- 20 of the handbook.
A more detailed description of the MontiCore Gradle plugin is given here.
Executing the command launches MontiCore, which results in the executing of the following steps:
- The specified grammar is parsed and processed by MontiCore.
- Java source files for the corresponding DSL infrastructure are
generated into the default output directory
. This infrastructure consists of the directoriesout/automata/
containing the mill (cf. Section 5.9, Section 5.10.2, Section 11.5).out/automata/_ast
containing the abstract syntax tree data structure (cf. Chapter 5 of the MontiCore handbook).out/automata/_auxiliary
containing adapted mills of sublanguages, which are required for configuring the mills of sublanguages (cf. Chapter 11 of the MontiCore handbook).out/automata/_cocos
containing the infrastructure for context conditions (cf. Chapter 10 of the MontiCore handbook).out/automata/_od
containing the infrastructure for printing object diagrams for reports produced during processing the models.out/automata/_parser
containing the generated parsers, which are based on ANTLR (cf. Chapter 6 of the MontiCore handbook).out/automata/_symboltable
containing the infrastructure for the symbol table (cf. Chapter 6 of the MontiCore handbook).out/automata/_utils
containing infrastructure for typecasting and identifying subtypes of ast nodes, symbols, and scopes.out/automata/_visitor
containing the infrastructure for visitors (cf. Chapter 9 of the MontiCore handbook).out/reports/automata
containing reports created during the processing of the grammar.
- The output directory also contains a log file of the executed generation process with the generation time in its name.
In the following, we review the classes and interfaces generated from
the Automata
grammar that are relevant for language engineers in more
detail. We do not review the classes and interfaces that are only
internally relevant for MontiCore and are usually not intended to be
used by language engineers.
Abstract Syntax Tree Data Structure
The tree data structure is generated into the directory out/automata/_ast
Details about the generation of AST classes can be found in
(cf. Chapter 5 of the MontiCore handbook). For
each nonterminal contained in the grammar, the MontiCore generator
produces AST and corresponding builder classes. The AST classes
implement the abstract syntax tree data structure.
The builder classes implement the builder pattern for constructing
instances of the respective AST classes as usual. For example, the class
is the AST class generated for the Automaton
nonterminal (cf. Listing 2.3) and the class ASTAutomatonBuilder
is the
corresponding generated builder class.
Parts of the AST data structure generated for the Automata
grammar.The contents of the AST and builder classes are generated systematically from the grammar. The attributes of each AST class resemble the right-hand side of the corresponding production rule. In the following, we mainly speak of attributes, but please be aware that all attributes come fully equipped with access and modification methods, which should normally be used.
For instance, Figure 2.7 depicts parts of the generated AST
infrastructure for
the Automata
grammar. The class ASTAutomaton
contains the attributes
, states
, and transitions
. The AST
class does not contain an
attribute for the terminal automaton
as it is part of every word
conforming to the production of the Automaton
nonterminal. The type of
the attribute name
is String
whereas the attributes states
are lists of the types of the AST
classes corresponding
to the used nonterminals. This is the case because exactly one Name
parsed with the right-hand side of the production of the nonterminal
, whereas multiple states and transitions can be parsed.
The ASTAutomaton
class further contains the attributes symbol
, and enclosingScope
. These attributes are specific to
the symbol table of Automata
models and are used for linking the
symbol table of a model with its abstract syntax tree. Details can be
found in Chapter 9 of the MontiCore handbook.

Each AST
class contains access to the enclosingScope
When a production contains the keyword symbol
, the generated AST class
contains the attribute symbol
(see Chapter 9 of the MontiCore handbook).
Keyword scope
indicates that a nonterminal also defines a new local
scope, stored in attribute spannedScope
The parser builds the abstract syntax tree of a model and the available scope genitor creates the symbol table of the model, consisting of symbols and scopes.
The ASTAutomaton
class further contains several straight-forward
methods for checking different instances for equality and accessing the
attributes. Similar to the ASTAutomaton
class, the
class contains attributes resembling the
right-hand side of the corresponding production. It further contains
methods for changing the values of the attributes (e.g., addState
checking whether the AST
instance that would be constructed from the
current builder state is valid (cf. isValid
), and for building the
instance corresponding to the builder's state (cf. build
). The
contents of the other AST
and Builder
classes are constructed

If the generator detects that an AST
class for a nonterminal is
already implemented in the handwritten code, then it produces a
corresponding TOP
class instead.
This TOP mechanism allows developers to add handwritten extensions to
any generated class, while reusing the generated TOP
class via
This gives a very close integration between handwritten and generated code that even adapts builders accordingly, while preventing the very bad habit of performing manual changes to the generated code.
Option -hcp
tells the generator where to look for handwritten
The following section presents the methods of the classes for parsing
textual models (possibly stored in files) into AST
class instances at
runtime. For now, it suffices for you to understand that (1) MontiCore
generates an extensible AST
data structure that resembles the
nonterminals and productions of the grammar in a straight-forward way
and (2) that all models of a grammar have an AST
data structure
representation for internal processing.
The infrastructure is generated into the directory out/automata/_parser
Details about the generated parsers and their uses are described in
Chapter 6 of the MontiCore handbook.
Parts of the class AutomataParser
generated from the Automata
generated from the Automata
grammar.Parts of the generated class AutomataParser
are depicted in Figure 2.10. The
class implements the generated parser for the Automata
Usually, developers are solely concerned with the methods
and parse_String(String)
. For now, it suffices if you
remember that parsing textual Automata
models stored in files is
possible by calling the method parse(String)
of an AutomataParser
object with the fully qualified name of the file as input.

The class AutomataParser
contains the methods
parse(Reader r)
,parse(String filename)
, andparse_String(String content)
All of the methods return an object of type Optional<ASTAutomaton>
where absence means failure of parsing and errors have been issued.
For each nonterminal in the grammar, the class further contains methods for parsing a sub-model described by this nonterminal.
Symbol Table
The infrastructure is generated into the directory out/automata/_symboltable
Details about the generated symbol table infrastructure and its use are
described in Chapter 9 of the MontiCore handbook.
The symbol table infrastructure is used for resolving
cross-references concerning information defined in different model
elements that are potentially defined in different models stored in
different files.

For the Automata
grammar, the generator produces the classes
, andAutomataGlobalScope
as well as respective interfaces. The relationships between these classes and interfaces are depicted in Figure 2.12.
The singleton AutomataGlobalScope
contains all
of all loaded Automata
s represent scopes spanned inside of models.
grammar.Figure 2.14 depicts parts of the symbol classes generated for the Automata
grammar. As the nonterminal State
is annotated with symbol
in the
grammar, the generator produces the class StateSymbol
. The
class, inter alia, contains the attributes name
, and spannedScope
. The attribute name
stores the
name of the symbol. The attributes enclosingScope
and spannedScope
store the enclosing and spanned scopes of the symbol. The class further
contains methods for accessing and setting the attributes. For all
symbol classes, the MontiCore generator also produces builder classes
(e.g., AutomataArtifactScopeBuilder
and StateSymbolBuilder

It is possible to add further methods and attributes in two ways:
- adding a symbol rule in the grammar (described in Chapter 9 of the MontiCore handbook) or
- using the TOP mechanism applied to the generated symbols.
The generated class AutomataScopesGenitor
is responsible for creating
the scope structure of Automata
artifacts and linking the scope
structure with the corresponding AST
nodes. For this task, it provides
the method createFromAST
that takes an ASTAutomaton
instance as
input and returns an IAutomataArtifactScope
instance. The returned
instance can be added as a subscope to the
(during runtime unique and administrated by the mill)
Developers can create visitors for complementing the symbol table
(creating symbols and filling the extensions introduced via symbol rules
or the TOP mechanism) of an Automata
artifact. After creating the
scope structure, the visitor should be used to traverse the AST
instance of the artifact for complementing the symbols and scopes. The
following sections explain the generated visitor infrastructure in more
Optional<AutomatonSymbol> resolveAutomaton(String name)
List<AutomatonSymbol> resolveAutomatonMany(String name)
Optional<StateSymbol> resolveState(String name)
List<StateSymbol> resolveStateMany(String name)
methods.For each nonterminal annotated with symbol
in the grammar Automata
the scope interfaces contain a symbol-specific resolve
method taking a
string as input. The method can be called to resolve symbol instances by
their names. The name given as input to a resolve
method should be as
qualified as needed to find the symbol. For instance, Listing 2.16 lists the
signatures of four of the resolve
methods provided by the interface
For now, it suffices for you to understand that (1) MontiCore generates
an extensible symbol table data structure that resembles the scope and
symbol structure as specified in the grammar in a straight-forward way
and (2) that all models of a grammar have a symbol table data structure
representation for internal processing and (3) that symbols can be
resolved from scopes via calling the resolve
(De)Serialization of Symbol Tables
MontiCore also supports the serialization and deserialization of symbol tables. The (de)serialization is crucial for incremental code generation and efficient language composition via aggregation. Details about this are explained in Chapter 7 and Chapter 9 of the MontiCore handbook.
For the (de)serialization, the generator produces the class
. It provides the public methods store
. The former can be used to serialize IAutomataScope
into their string representations encoded in JSON and persisting these
to a file at a location that is passed as method argument. The latter
can be used to load a stored IAutomataScope
into its objects
representation. For now, it suffices that you understand which methods
to call for the (de)serialization.
grammarThe infrastructure is generated into the directory out/automata/_visitor
Details about the generated visitor infrastructure are described in
Chapter 8 of the MontiCore handbook.
For each grammar, the generator systematically produces several classes
and interfaces implementing the visitor infrastructure. For the
grammar, for example, the generator produces the interfaces
, AutomataVisitor2
, and AutomataHandler
and the
class AutomataTraverserImplementation
. The relationships between these
interfaces and classes are depicted in Figure 2.17.
The interfaces Traverser
, Visitor2
and Handler
together realize
the Visitor pattern. Conceptually, the traverser is the entry point for
traversing. The traverser manages visitors for the different
sublanguages and realizes the default traversing strategy. Whenever an
AST node is traversed, the traverser delegates the visit to the
corresponding visitor implementation. If a special traversal is to be
implemented that differs from the default, it is possible to add
handlers to the traverser that realize the alternative traversal. For a
more detailed explanation consider reading
Chapter 8 of the MontiCore handbook.

MontiCore provides the visitor pattern in a detangled and thus flexible variant.
is traversing the AST. AutomataVisitor2
the actual functionalities, added through subclassing. Many visitors can
be added to the traverser for parallel execution via the method
The visitors are compositional, allowing to maximize reuse of visitors from sublanguages, and they can be adapted through the TOP mechanism.
For example, the handwritten class PrettyPrinter
, which can be found
in the directory mc-workspace/src/automata/prettyprint
, implements
functionality for pretty printing an Automata
model, which is given by
its abstract syntax tree. Listing 2.19 depicts the attributes and the constructor of
the class. The PrettyPrinter
class implements the AutomataHandler
interface. Its constructor instantiates a printer (a helper for printing
indented strings) and retrieves an AutomataTraverser
object from the
mill (which is explained later on). It sets the handler of the traverser
to itself. This ensures that the pretty printer becomes the handler of
the traverser. We will execute it in a following section.
public class PrettyPrinter implements AutomataHandler {
private final IndentPrinter printer;
private AutomataTraverser traverser;
public PrettyPrinter() {
this.printer = new IndentPrinter();
this.traverser = AutomataMill.traverser();
// further methods
for the Automata
language.For now, you should understand that (1) for implementing visitors it is often sufficient to implement the visitor interfaces and to add them to a traverser and (2) custom traversals can be realized by implementing handlers and adding those to the traverser.
Context Conditions
The infrastructure is generated into the directory out/automata/_cocos
Details about the generated context condition infrastructure are
described in Chapter 10 of the MontiCore handbook.
For each nonterminal of a grammar, the generator produces a context
condition interface for implementing context conditions for this
nonterminal. For the Automata
grammar, for example, the generator
produced the interface AutomataASTStateCoCo
. The interface solely
contains the method check(ASTState)
. Each class implementing the
interface should represent a predicate over subtrees of abstract syntax
trees starting at a node with the type corresponding to the nonterminal.
The check method should be implemented such that it reports an error or
a warning if the input node does not satisfy the predicate. Thus,
context conditions implement well-formedness rules that cannot be
captured by context-free grammars (or that are intentionally not
captured by the grammar to achieve a specific AST
data structure). For
producing the error or warning, the static methods error
and warning
of the MontiCore runtime class Log
should be used.
For the Automata
grammar, the generator also produced the class
. For each nonterminal of the grammar, the class
contains a method for adding context condition instances to an
instance. For checking whether an AST
satisfies all registered context conditions, the method checkAll
be called with the AST
node as input. Calling the method makes the
checker traverse the abstract syntax tree and check whether each node
satisfies the context conditions registered for the node. Thus,
instances represent sets of context conditions
that are required to be satisfied by abstract syntax tree instances.
For now, you should understand that (1) implementing context conditions
is possible via implementing the generated CoCo
interfaces and (2)
context conditions can be checked via instantiating the Checker
adding the CoCos, and calling the checkAll
Mill as Factory for Builders
The for the Automata
language is generated into the directory
. Details about the generated mill and the mill pattern
in general are described in Section 11.5. The generated mill class AutomataMill
responsible for providing ready to use and correct parser, scope
genitor, scope, and builder instances. The mill of each language is a

A mill is a factory for builders and other commonly used functions, such as parsers or visitors. The mill was introduced to ensure compositionality of languages, while retaining reusability of functions developed for sublanguages.
Only one mill instance exists, even though in composed languages it is
available under several static signatures. Let language G2
another language G1
. Then G2Mill
initializes the G1Mill
appropriately, such that all the code of the sublanguage G1
can be
reused in the tools developed for the language G2
, even when creating
new AST nodes, symbols, etc.
Cool mechanism and the developers don't have to bother.
public static IAutomataGlobalScope globalScope()
public static IAutomataArtifactScope artifactScope()
public static IAutomataScope scope()
public static AutomataScopesGenitor scopesGenitor ()
public static AutomataScopesGenitorDelegator scopesGenitorDelegator()
public static ASTAutomatonBuilder automatonBuilder()
public static AutomatonSymbolBuilder automatonSymbolBuilder()
public static AutomataParser parser()
public static AutomataTraverser traverser ()
.Developers should retrieve all instances of the classes and interfaces
provided by the mill by using the mill. Instances of the classes and
interfaces that are provided by the mill should never be instantiated
manually. Otherwise, it may be the case that not all of the code
implemented for the language can be reused as expected in other
languages extending the language. Listing 2.21 shows some signatures of the methods
of the AutomataMill

A mill provides public static
methods for retrieving the instances of
the parsers, scope genitors, scopes, and builders. For that is acts like
a factory. Because a mill is realized using the static delegator pattern
(cf. Section 11.1), it still can be adapted at will.
This combines the advantage of general availability with the advantage of being able to override the functions.
For now, you should understand that (1) the methods of the mill should be used for creating ready to use and correct parser, scope genitor, scope, and builder instances and (2) how to call these methods.
Compile the Target
Section 2.2.3 of the MontiCore handbook
describes how to generate the desired Java code
from a MontiCore grammar. For these Java classes, generated for the
DSL, execute the following command in the mc-workspace:
With Powershell on Windows
javac -cp monticore-rt.jar -sourcepath "src/;out/;hwc/" `
javac -cp monticore-rt.jar -sourcepath "src/:out/:hwc/" \
javac -cp monticore-rt.jar -sourcepath "src/;out/;hwc/" ^
Please note, on Unix systems paths are separated using ":" (colon) instead of semicolons.
Providing the option -cp
with the argument monticore-cli.jar
the Java compiler consider the compiled MontiCore runtime classes
contained in the file monticore-cli.jar
The option -sourcepath
enables to specify paths to directories
containing the source files that should be considered during the
In this case, executing the command makes the Java compiler consider all
generated classes located in and all handwritten classes located in src
and hwc
The last argument instructs the Java compiler to compile the class
gradle compileJava
Please note that the structure of the handwritten classes follows the package layout of the generated code, i.e. there are the following sub directories (Java packages):
contains the top-level language realization for using the generated DSL infrastructure. In this case the classsrc/automata/
constitutes a main class executable for processing automata models with the automata DSL.src/automata/cocos
contains infrastructure for context condition of the automata DSL.src/automata/prettyprint
contains an exemplary use of the generated visitor infrastructure for processing parsed models for pretty printing.src/automata/visitors
contains an exemplary analysis using the visitor infrastructure. The exemplary analysis counts the states contained in the parsed automata model.hwc/automata/_ast
contains an exemplary usage of the handwritten code integration mechanism for modifying the AST for the automata DSL. Details about the integration mechanism are described in Section 5.10.hwc/automata/_symboltable
contains handwritten extensions of the generated symbol table infrastructure. Details about implementing handwritten symbol table infrastructure extensions are described in Chapter 9 of the MontiCore handbook.
Please, also do not mix the code for the Automata
tool vs. the code
for the final product, generated from that tool, although both have a
similar package structure.
We already described the contents of the directories hwc/automata/_ast
and hwc/automata/_symboltable
in the previous section. They contain
handwritten extensions of the abstract syntax of the Automata
public class CountStates implements AutomataVisitor2 {
private int count = 0;
public void visit(ASTState node) {
public int getCount() {
return count;
visitor implementationThe directory src/automata/visitors
contains the file
. The class is depicted in Listing 2.23. It implements a simple
visitor for counting the number of states contained in an Automata
model. To this effect, it implements the AutomataVisitor2
It has an attribute count
of type int
for storing the current number
of counted nodes. It overrides the visit
method for ASTState
increase the counter whenever a state is visited.
The directory src/automata/cocos
contains the context-condition
implementations for the Automata
public class AtLeastOneInitialAndFinalState
implements AutomataASTAutomatonCoCo {
public void check(ASTAutomaton automaton) {
boolean initialState = false;
boolean finalState = false;
for (ASTState state : automaton.getStateList()) {
if (state.isInitial()) {
initialState = true;
if (state.isFinal()) {
finalState = true;
if (!initialState || !finalState) {
// Issue error...
Log.error("0xA0116 An automaton must have at least one initial
and one final state.",
Listing 2.24 depicts the class AtLeastOneInitialAndFinalState
. The class implements
a context condition for checking whether an Automata
model contains at
least one initial and at least one final state. To this effect, the
class implements the interface AutomataASTAutomatonCoCo
. The class
is implemented similarly.
public class TransitionSourceExists
implements AutomataASTTransitionCoCo {
public void check(ASTTransition node) {
IAutomataScope enclosingScope = node.getEnclosingScope();
Optional<StateSymbol> sourceState =
if (!sourceState.isPresent()) {
// Issue error...
"0xADD03 Source state of transition missing.",
Listing 2.25 presents the implementation of the class TransitionSourceExists
. The
class implements a context condition for checking whether the source
states used in transitions are defined. To this effect, the class uses
the resolving mechanisms of the symbol table. For each transition, the
context conditions tries to resolve the state symbol corresponding to
the source state of the transition. If the resolving fails for the
state, then the context condition logs an error.
The class AutomataTool
is the main class of the Automata
It is defined in the file
contained in the directory
public class AutomataTool extends AutomataToolTOP {
// main method missing in this listing
public ASTAutomaton parse(String model) {
try {
AutomataParser parser = new AutomataParser() ;
Optional<ASTAutomaton> optAutomaton = parser.parse(model);
if (!parser.hasErrors() && optAutomaton.isPresent()) {
return optAutomaton.get();
Log.error("0xEE840 Model could not be parsed.");
catch (RecognitionException | IOException e) {
Log.error("0xEE640 Failed to parse " + model, e);
return null;
Listing 2.26 presents the implementation of the method parse
of the AutomataTool
class which can be used for parsing Automata
models. The class extends the
generated abstract superclass AutomataToolTOP
that provides methods to be used in
the run
method. One example is the method createSymbolTable
that uses the global scope
and genitors available in the mill to create a symbol table for Automata
public static void main(String[] args) {
// delegate main to instantiatable method for better integration,
// reuse, etc.
new AutomataTool().run(args);
public void run(String[] args) {
// use normal logging (no DEBUG, TRACE)
Options options = initOptions();
try {
//create CLI Parser and parse input options from commandline
CommandLineParser cliparser = new org.apache.commons.cli.DefaultParser();
CommandLine cmd = cliparser.parse(options, args);
//help: when --help
if (cmd.hasOption("h")) {
//do not continue, when help is printed.
//version: when --version
else if (cmd.hasOption("v")) {
//do not continue when help is printed
}"Automata DSL Tool", "AutomataTool");
if (cmd.hasOption("i")) {
String model = cmd.getOptionValue("i");
final ASTAutomaton ast = parse(model); + " parsed successfully!", "AutomataTool");
IAutomataArtifactScope modelTopScope = createSymbolTable(ast);
// can be used for resolving things in the model
Optional<StateSymbol> aSymbol = modelTopScope.resolveState("Ping");
if (aSymbol.isPresent()) {"Resolved state symbol \"Ping\"; FQN = "
+ aSymbol.get().toString(),
} else {"This automaton does not contain a state called \"Ping\";",
String storeLocation = cmd.getOptionValue("s");
storeSymbols(modelTopScope, storeLocation);
// analyze the model with a visitor
CountStates cs = new CountStates();
AutomataTraverser traverser = AutomataMill.traverser();
ast.accept(traverser);"Automaton has " + cs.getCount() + " states.", "AutomataTool");
} catch (ParseException e) {
// e.getMessage displays the incorrect input-parameters
Log.error("0xEE752 Could not process AutomataTool parameters: " + e.getMessage());
classThe AutomataTool
provides a main
method, which can be called from
the command line. The implementation of the method is depicted in Listing 2.27. It
expects two inputs. The first is the name of a file containing an
model. The second input is the name of the file in which the
tool should store the symbol table of the model given as first input.
The method
- parses the input model,
- creates the symbol table,
- resolves a state,
- executes context conditions,
- stores the symbol table by using the serialization,
- executes the visitor for counting the states, and
- pretty prints the model to the standard output.
Inspect the main method and try to understand the implementation for the executed tasks. Read the above descriptions again if necessary.
Run the Tool
The previous command compiles the handwritten and generated code
including the Automata
tool class AutomataTool
. For running the
DSL tool, execute the following command:
With Powershell on Windows
java -cp "src/;out/;hwc/;monticore-rt.jar" `
automata.AutomataTool -i example/PingPong.aut `
-s st/PingPong.autsym
java -cp "src/:out/:hwc/:monticore-rt.jar" \
automata.AutomataTool -i example/PingPong.aut \
-s st/PingPong.autsym
java -cp "src/;out/;hwc/;monticore-rt.jar" ^
automata.AutomataTool -i example/PingPong.aut ^
-s st/PingPong.autsym
Please note again, on Unix systems paths are separated using ":"
(colon) instead of semicolons. Executing the command runs the Automata
DSL tool.
Using the option -cp
makes the Java interpreter consider the compiled
classes contained in the paths specified by the argument.
The argument automata.AutomataTool
makes the Java interpreter execute
the main method of the class automata.AutomataTool
contained in the
directory src
With JUnit
Run the AutoamtaToolTest
JUnit test.
With Powershell on Windows
java -jar target/libs/automaton-7.7.0-tool.jar `
-i src/test/resources/automata/parser/PingPong.aut `
-s st/PingPong.autsym
java -jar target/libs/automaton-7.7.0-tool.jar \
-i src/test/resources/automata/parser/PingPong.aut \
-s st/PingPong.autsym
java -jar target/libs/automaton-7.7.0-tool.jar ^
-i src/test/resources/automata/parser/PingPong.aut ^
-s st/PingPong.autsym
You will have to run gradle build
to create the tool.jar.
Executing the command runs the Automata
DSL tool.
The automaton-...-tool.jar is a packaged jar file with the AutomataTool
as its entry point.
The argument example/PingPong.aut
is passed to the main method of the
DSL tool class as input. Inspect the output on the command
line, which displays log messages concerning the processing of the
example Automata
The last argument st/PingPong.autsym
is also passed to the main
method. It makes the tool store the serialized symbol table of the input
model into the file example/PingPong.aut
The shipped example Automata
DSL (all sources contained in
and mc-workspace/hwc
) can be used as a starting
point for creating your own language. It can easily be altered to
specify your own DSL by adjusting the grammar and the handwritten Java
sources and rerunning MontiCore as described above.
Using MontiCore in Eclipse
The MontiCore plugin can be used in Eclipse. Section 2.4.1 describes the process of setting up Eclipse. Section 2.4.2 presents how to import the example project in Eclipse. Finally, Section 2.4.3 explains how the MontiCore Gradle plugin can be executed in Eclipse.
Setting up Eclipse
Before you import the example project and run MontiCore as a Gradle plugin, please make sure that a current version of the Gradle plugin is installed in Eclipse. When installing a new version of Eclipse, the Gradle plugin is installed by default. If the Gradle plugin is not yet integrated into your Eclipse installation, download the latest Eclipse version or perform the following steps to install the Eclipse plugin:
- Download and install Eclipse (or use an existing one).
- Open Eclipse.
- Install the needed Plugins.
- Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
- Type 'gradle' in the search box and click Enter.
- Install the 'Buildship Gradle Integration' plugin.
- Make sure to configure Eclipse to use an JDK instead of an JRE.
- Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs.
Importing the Example
The shipped example Automata
DSL can be used as a starting point. Once
imported into Eclipse, it can easily be altered to specify your own DSL
by adjusting the grammar and the handwritten Java sources and rerunning
MontiCore as described in Section 2.4.3. To import the example, perform the following
- Download and unzip the
- Open Eclipse and select
- File > Import > Gradle (if you are required to choose a Gradle version, then choose version 7.6.4) > Existing Gradle Projects > Next.
- Click on the Browse.. button and import the directory that
contains the file
from theAutomata
Running MontiCore
To execute the MontiCore Gradle plugin, perform the following steps:
- Select the Gradle Task menu (at the top or bottom, depending on your installed Eclipse version).
- There select automaton > build > build (double click).
This makes Eclipse execute the MontiCore Gradle plugin as described in Section 2.3 of the MontiCore handbook . After installing and executing MontiCore in Eclipse, your workspace should look similar to Figure 2.28.
Using MontiCore in IntelliJ IDEA
The MontiCore plugin can be used in IDEA. Section 2.5.1 describes the process of setting up IntelliJ IDEA. Afterwards, Section 2.5.2 presents how to import the example project in Eclipse. Finally, Section 2.5.3 explains how the MontiCore Gradle plugin can be executed in IntelliJ IDEA.
Setting up IntelliJ IDEA
For setting up IntelliJ IDEA, perform the following steps:
- Download and install IntelliJ IDEA (or use your existing installation).
- Hint for Students: You get the Ultimate version of IntelliJ IDEA for free.
- Open IntelliJ IDEA.
Importing the Example
The shipped example Automata
DSL can be used as a starting point. Once
imported into IntelliJ IDEA, it can easily be altered to specify your
own DSL by adjusting the grammar and the handwritten Java sources and
rerunning MontiCore as described in Section 2.5.3. For importing the example, perform
the following steps:
- Download and unzip the
- In the IDE select: File > Open.
- Select the directory containing the build.gradle (if you are required to choose a Gradle version, then choose version 6.7.1).
Running MontiCore
To execute the MontiCore Gradle plugin, perform the following steps:
- Select the Gradle Projects menu on the right.
- From there select automaton > Tasks> build > build (double click).
This makes IntelliJ IDEA execute the Gradle plugin as described in Section 2.3. If you do not see the Gradle Projects menu yet, right-click on the build.gradle file and select 'Import Gradle Project'. Now the Gradle Projects menu should occur on the right side and you can follow the above mentioned steps for the execution. After installing and executing MontiCore in IntelliJ IDEA, your workspace should look similar to Figure 2.29.
Using MontiCore with GitPod
Installing all the prerequisites and an IDE can take some time. Alternatively to this, you can use Gitpod, an open-source Kubernetes application for ready-to-code developer environments. It already has all the prerequisites and an operational Web IDE similar to Microsoft's Visual Studio Code installed. You need to login with an existing GitHub account to use it.
This link can be used
to access the Gitpod project for the Automata
First, an environment for the project with the proper Java and Gradle version
will be prepared and initialized automatically.
After that, you will be directed to the Web IDE. The project will be built
with Gradle first, and after that it is ready-to-use. The Web IDE also has a
built-in terminal which can be used to build the project via gradle build
or execute other tasks.
The Web IDE can be used to change existing project files, such as the Automata
grammar or the handwritten classes for the language. Simply navigate to the grammars
or classes in the file explorer on the left-hand side of the IDE and edit the files.
This makes experimenting with MontiCore possible. The changes will be compiled by the
IDE immediately and compilation errors will be marked with red color. To run the project,
execute the command gradle build
in the terminal.
You will notice that the link to the Gitpod project is generated and always has the same pattern. An example for a link is After 30 minutes of non-use, Gitpod will "freeze" the environment. It can be reactivated by using the same link to access it. The environment is reactivated, and you do not even need to rebuild the project with Gradle to use the project again.