MontiCore - Language Workbench and Development Tool Framework
- ISW Stuttgart and RWTH Aachen organize the third MontiCore Symposium 2025 March 23 - March 26 in Gemünd, Germany
- Deadline for submission of papers or abstracts: January, 10th.
MontiCore is a language workbench for the efficient development of domain-specific languages (DSLs). It processes an extended grammar format which defines the DSL and generates Java components for processing the DSL documents. Examples for these components are parsers, AST classes, symboltables or pretty printers. This enables a user to rapidly define a language and use it together with the MontiCore-framework to build domain-specific tools.
Some MontiCore advantages are the reusability of predefined language components, conservative extension and composition mechanisms, and an optimal integration of handwritten code into the generated tools. Its grammar languages are comfortable to use.
Start here for developing with MontiCore.

[HKR21] Katrin Hölldobler, Oliver Kautz, Bernhard Rumpe:
MontiCore Language Workbench and Library Handbook: Edition 2021.
Shaker, 2021.
A Teaser for MontiCore
To show a little of MontiCore's capabilities, the following (incomplete) grammar might help:
grammar MyStatemachine extends Automata, // MontiCore grammar
MCBasicTypes, SetExpressions, MCCommonLiterals {
start Automaton;
// overriding a nonterminal (to add optional conditions):
Transition = from:Name@State ":" Expression? "->" to:Name@State;
// add new variants of expressions
LogicalNotExpr implements Expression = "!" Expression;
XorExpr implements Expression =
left:Expression "xor" right:Expression;
scope LetExpr implements Expression =
"let" (VarDeclaration || ",")+ "in" Expression;
symbol VarDeclaration = MCType? Name "=" Expression ;
The grammar language has a variety of mechanisms to define
new nonterminals using constants "!"
brackets (..)
, optionals ?
, lists *
, repetitions (..||..)+
, etc.
The grammar builds an extended version of Statemachines reusing
existing grammar components, here Automata
, MCBasicTypes
, SetExpressions
and MCCommonLiterals
The grammar has 5 productions introducing 4 new nonterminals
and overrides Transition
which is inherited from Automata
additionally has an optional Expression?
as firing condition.
, XorExpr
, and LetExpr
extend the already existing
nonterminal and add new forms of expressions.
introduces a new local variable, which is
visible only in that scope (indicated by keyword).
defines the new place to define symbols (that have a Name
There is an extensive infrastructure to manage the definition of names, visibility, etc.
MontiCore compiles the above grammar
into 78
classes with in
total 18629
lines of code that define the complete
frontend and a larger part of the backend of
a statemachine processor.
We now can write statemachines like:
statemachine PingPong { // MyStatemachine
state Ping, Pong;
Ping : (speed > 14km/h && !missedBall) -> Pong
MontiCore provides versions of expressions that use SI
Units like 240km/h
or 14.2 m/s^2
, but also Java
expressions like 2_000_000
and other variants including
appropriate type checks.
We include these forms of expressions by importing their grammars.
Please note that in both cases (extension and
overwriting existing nonterminals), we do not
touch nor copy/paste the predefined grammars,
but achieve an out-of-the-box reuse.
Out-of-the-box reuse also includes reuse of
predefined typechecks, code generation, etc.
They only need to be extended to the added variants.
Please also note that PlusExpr
is mutually left-recursive.
-- Yes, that works in MontiCore 6.
Quick Start
$ cd /usr/local
$ wget www.monticore.de/download/aut.tar.gz
$ tar -xf aut.tar.gz
$ cd mc-workspace
$ wget www.monticore.de/download/monticore-cli.jar
$ java -jar monticore-cli.jar -g Automata.mc4 -hcp hwc/ -mp monticore-cli.jar
$ javac -cp monticore-cli.jar -sourcepath "src/;out/;hwc/" src/automata/AutomataTool.java
$ java -cp "src/;out/;hwc/;monticore-cli.jar" automata.AutomataTool example/PingPong.aut PingPong.autsym
MontiCore has a Relaxed 3-Level License
Informal summary: The MontiCore Language Workbench deals with three levels of code (MontiCore LWB, tool derivates, product code). Each has its own licenses: (1) Product code generated by a MontiCore tool derivate is absolutely free for each form of use including commercial use without any license restriction. (2) Tool derivates created using the MontiCore language workbench mention that it is built using MontiCore. There is no other restriction. (BSD 3 Clause license) (3) Adaptations of the MontiCore language workbench itself should mention MontiCore and results are published back into the MontiCore repository (LGPL license) -- for other purposes an individual Dual License is available.
For details see Licenses.
More Information about MontiCore
MontiCore handbook. The handbook describes how to use MontiCore as an out-of-the-box language workbench, but also as grey box tooling framework. It thus also gives an overview over a number of core mechanisms of MontiCore.
List of core grammars. MontiCore concentrates on reuse. It therefore offers a set of predefined language components, usually identified through an appropriate component grammar allowing to define your own language as a composition of reusable assets efficiently. reusable assets are among others: several sets of literals, expressions, types, and statements, which are freely composable.
List of languages. This is a list of languages that can be used out of the box. Some of them are in development, others rather stable. Several of these languages are inspired by the UML/P (see [Rum16,Rum17]). These complete languages are usually composed of a number of language components.
This project is freely available software; you can redistribute the MontiCore language workbench according to the rules described in the licensing section.
Contributing to MontiCore: MontiCore is originally developed by the Software Engineering group at RWTH. Meanwhile, it is maintained by several groups and individual persons. If you want to contribute to MontiCore, please create a fork and issue corresponding pull requests. The RWTH and the Stuttgart development teams will review and merge changes. (A more open process for common development is currently in discussion and depends on interests from further people/groups.) You may also ask to become a member of the project.
If questions appear e.g. on building an interpreter, please contact monticore@se-rwth.de.
Further Information
- see also MontiCore handbook
- MontiCore Reference Languages - Languages Built Using MontiCore
- Build MontiCore - How to Build MontiCore
- Getting Started - How to start using MontiCore
- Changelog - Release Notes
- Licenses - MontiCore 3-Level License
- Project root: MontiCore @github
- List of languages
- MontiCore Core Grammar Library
- Best Practices
- Publications about MBSE and MontiCore